Brookdale Orchard
feeding the mind body & soul
Please Consider Supporting Brookdale Orchard
No Time Is Too Little, No Gift Is Too Small!
Donate to one of our three campaigns
Join our faithful supporters acknowledged below who helped fuel and fund our mission!
Volunteer Time and Talent to our Mission
Join our weekly gardening club or arrange for times and ways in which you can volunteer your services
Organize a Mission Team
Arrange for your group to volunteer in the orchard for a day or even a week during spring break or summer. (Out of town groups will be paired with our mission ministry partners)
Plan a Site Visit
Schedule an orchard tour for yourself or for your group
Address volunteer and visit inquires to
Hear it through The Grapevine!
Fill out the form below to enjoy a free subscription to our newsletter to keep up with What's Going On!
Join The Campaign to
Fund Tubman Hall!
Because fruit trees don't grow overnight,
it is said that people who believe in orchards
believe in the future. Yes we do!
And we know that Brookdale Orchard's future
is tied to the education, production and distribution
center being planned for
the long ago abandoned building,
patiently waiting to be useful in its very midst.
We need everyone's help to make it so!
Everyone including you!
Click on the photo below and claim your
boarding pass to Brookdale Orchard's future!
Mother Harriet is calling. All Aboard!