Brookdale Orchard
feeding the mind body & soul
Located south of Superior Avenue between Brookdale Court and Wade Park Avenue, Brookdale Orchard is situated on twenty-two parcels over three city blocks: East 86th, 88th & 89th Streets, Six additional vacant city-owned parcels within the site plan have been approved for purchase.
Scroll Through 5 Pages To LearnMore About Our Site Plan
To date, focal development has centered around the Brookdale Court East 86/88 Street quadrant hosting the 9,690 square feet Eden Pear Garden, the 14,560 square feet memorial Garden of Fruit, Myrtle, Roses and Forget-Me-Nots, and the building and grounds office and storage/production yard.
Development of two additional gardens began in fall 2023: the 5,780 square feet Wisdom garden at East 89 and Morris Court, and the 13,680 square feet kitchen and greenhouse garden immediately south of Brookdale Court on East 86 Street adjacent the building that will house the future education and production anchors the quadrant.
Scroll Through 3 Pages of Gardens
Scroll Through 9 Pages To Enjoy Our Garden Dedications
Enjoy The East Ohio Conference Video of The Dedication Of The Garden of Fruit Myrtle Roses And Forget-Me-Nots Through The Link Below
Brookdale Orchard May 28 2022 Dedication article and video